John Datserakis
Hey there! My name's John Datserakis and I'm a Senior Software Engineer from Boston's North Shore. Right now, I'm building some cool stuff over at Mailgun.
I'm all about sharing knowledge and contributing to the community, so I like to write open-source code. You can check out my latest projects over on my GitHub page. If you're interested in reading up on my development notes, be sure to visit my blog!
I'm constantly working on new and exciting projects, and my latest creation is a simple game called Find the State. It's a fun challenge where you have to locate all of the States in the contiguous USA on a map.
If you would like to connect, feel free to drop me a line at johndatserakis at gmail dot com. And if you really like this site, you can even fork it - it's completely open-source and built using React, TypeScript, and Next.js.
Got a question or need some support on a commercial app of mine? No problem - just shoot me a message at johndatserakis at gmail dot com and I'll be happy to help!
A peek at a few of my projects...
RSVP Keeper
Easily accept RSVP's for your Wedding, Shower, Bar Mitzvah, or any other upcoming event. Simple for you to set up, easy for your guests to fill out.
Link Control
Link control is an extension that lets you adjust the color of your previously viewed links.
file-upload-with-preview (open-source)
Simple file-upload utility that shows a preview of the uploaded image. Written in TypeScript. No dependencies. Works well with or without a framework.
Find the State (open-source)
Find all the States in the contiguous USA on a map. Simple enough..
vue-navigation-bar (open-source)
A simple, pretty navbar for your Vue projects.
Guest on the Views on Vue podcast
VoV 125: React and Typescript for a Vue developer with John Datserakis
react-mailchimp-email-signup-form (open-source)
Easily collect email signups using MailChimp in your React projects.
vue-mailchimp-email-signup-form (open-source)
Easily collect email signups using MailChimp in your Vue projects.
vue-video-section (open-source)
A simple video header/section component for Vue. Good for video backgrounds and overlaying content on them.
bloom. website
Website for the Boston band bloom. - a duo formed by Matt Dipietro and Torre Cioffi in mid 2017.
vue-screen-size (open-source)
Get easy and reactive access to the width and height of your screen.
Guest on the Views on Vue podcast
VoV 045: Comparing the React and Vue Ecosystems with a Real-World SPA with John Datserakis
Guest blog post for vuejsdevelopers.com
Comparing the React and Vue Ecosystems with a Real-World SPA
vue-programmatic-invisible-google-recaptcha (open-source)
A simple invisible Google reCAPTCHA component focused solely on programmatic invocation.
koa-react-notes-web (open-source)
A simple SPA built using Koa (2.5.1) as the backend and React (16.4.1) as the frontend. Features MySQL integration, user authentication, CRUD note actions, and more.
vue-countable (open-source)
Vue binding for countable.js. Provides real-time paragraph, sentence, word, and character counting.
chrome-ribbon-reminder (open-source)
A Chrome extension written using Vue and Async/Await. Uses a popup display and changes badge counts.
vue-simple-context-menu (open-source)
Simple context-menu component built for Vue. Works well with both left and right clicks. Nothing too fancy, just works and is simple to use.
modern-webpack-starter (open-source)
A modern JavaScript starter using Webpack 4. Made in a simple way - good for learning or starting a new project without having to rollout cli-auto-builders.
vue-cookie-accept-decline (open-source)
Show a banner with text, a decline button, and an accept button on your page. Remembers selection using cookies. Emits an event with current selection and on creation. Good for GDPR requirements.
koa-vue-notes-web (open-source)
A simple SPA built using Koa (2.5.1) as the backend and Vue (2.5.16) as the frontend. Features MySQL integration, user authentication, CRUD note actions, and Vuex store modules.
John Datserakis Website (open-source)
This website! Written using React, TypeScript, and Next.js. Go ahead and fork it!
koa-vue-notes-api (open-source)
A simple SPA built using Koa (2.5.1) as the backend and Vue (2.5.16) as the frontend. Features MySQL integration, user authentication, CRUD note actions, and Vuex store modules.
Nickey's Pizza Website
Every pizza is hand-made. Every sub is cooked to order. The same way for 40 years.
koa-vue-notes-project (open-source)
A single repo containing both the koa-vue-notes-api and koa-vue-notes-web projects.
RecordPlayer (open-source)
Emulate a record player in Sprite Kit using Swift and Xcode.